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Karan Got into IISc in 2021 With These Killer 5 Critical Thinking Habits

May 16, 2024

Critical thinking is important for doing well in exams, especially in subjects like history and civics. By improving your critical thinking skills, you can improve your decision-making, problem-solving, research, creativity, and curiosity. Continue readings to learn some tips for developing critical thinking skills and applying them to your exams.

1. Ask questions to deepen your understanding

Asking questions is an important part of critical thinking. It helps you understand historical events and civic issues better by looking at different perspectives and uncovering underlying causes and effects.

For example, when studying the Indian independence movement, you can ask questions like "What were the key factors that led to the success of the movement?" or "How did the movement impact the political landscape of India?"

2. Become an active listener

Active listening is also important. By engaging in classroom discussions, listening to different viewpoints, and considering alternative perspectives, you can broaden your understanding of historical events and civic issues. Actively listening to others fosters empathy, critical analysis, and the ability to construct well-rounded arguments based on a variety of viewpoints.

For example, when discussing a civic issue like poverty alleviation, actively listen to different perspectives and consider the experiences of marginalized communities.

3. Adopt chronological thinking

Chronological thinking is about understanding the sequence and timing of historical events. By organizing historical information chronologically, you can establish context, identify patterns, and make connections between events. This helps you develop a timeline of events and understand how different historical periods relate to each other.

For instance, when studying the Indian National Movement, arrange the significant events in chronological order to understand the progression and impact of different milestones.

4. Enhance your historical comprehension

Developing historical comprehension involves understanding the broader historical narrative and context of events. By studying primary and secondary sources, analyzing historical documents, and considering different interpretations, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of historical events. This allows you to analyze historical events critically and interpret their significance within their specific historical context.

For example, when studying the Indian freedom struggle, analyze primary sources such as letters, speeches, or photographs to gain insights into the lived experiences of freedom fighters.

5. Develop strong historical research skills

Research skills are essential for critical thinking in history and civics. By conducting thorough research, identifying credible sources, and utilizing a variety of resources, you can gather evidence and information to support your analysis and arguments. Effective research skills enable you to access a wide range of perspectives, evaluate information critically, and develop a comprehensive understanding of historical events and civic issues.

For instance, when analyzing the role of Subhash Chandra Bose in the independence movement, critically examine different viewpoints and evaluate the reliability of various sources to form a well-rounded perspective.


What is critical thinking?

Critical thinking is the process of analyzing and evaluating information to form a well-reasoned judgment or decision.

Why is critical thinking important for exams?

Critical thinking is important for exams because it enables you to approach questions and problems with a clear and analytical mindset, allowing you to make informed decisions and provide well-supported answers.

What are some benefits of developing critical thinking skills?

Developing critical thinking skills can improve decision-making, problem-solving, research, creativity, and curiosity. It also fosters empathy, the ability to construct well-rounded arguments based on a variety of viewpoints, and an appreciation for diverse perspectives.

How can I improve my critical thinking skills?

You can improve your critical thinking skills by asking questions to deepen your understanding, becoming an active listener, adopting chronological thinking, enhancing your historical comprehension, and developing strong historical research skills.

How can I apply critical thinking skills to historical events and civic issues?

You can apply critical thinking skills to historical events and civic issues by analyzing primary and secondary sources, considering different interpretations, and evaluating the reliability of various sources to form a well-rounded perspective. This enables you to analyze historical events critically and interpret their significance within their specific historical context.


Developing critical thinking skills is crucial for success in subjects like history and civics. By honing these skills, you not only enhance your academic performance but also cultivate a deeper understanding of historical events and civic issues. Critical thinking allows you to analyze information critically, consider multiple perspectives, and make informed judgments. In the context of CBSE 12 exams, it enables you to interpret historical sources, evaluate the significance of events, and apply historical knowledge to civic issues.

To further enhance your critical thinking skills and excel in CBSE 12 exams, subscribe to Aha's AI learning platform. Aha provides a comprehensive range of resources and smart skills designed to help you become a critical thinker who stands out academically. Unlock your full potential and excel in your studies and beyond with Aha!

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