A student at a desk, surrounded by clocks and calendars, meticulously planning their time for efficient exam essay writing

Double Your Essay Scores with Emma's 9 Exam-Winning Tips

May 18, 2024

You may face various challenges when managing your time during exams. The pressure to perform well, coupled with the limited time available, can be overwhelming. This article presents comprehensive and practical tips to help you effectively manage your time during exams. From preparation to execution, these expert tips will assist you in maximizing your performance and achieving better results.

Before the exam: prepare and practice

1. Know what you're up against before you go in

Before entering the exam room, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the format and requirements of the exam. Take the time to thoroughly understand the instructions and the number of questions you need to answer. This will prevent any last-minute surprises and ensure that you allocate your time wisely. For example, if you are expected to answer three questions, make a mental plan to allocate sufficient time to each question.

2. Practice writing quickly

One of the common challenges you may face is writing at a fast pace while maintaining legibility. To overcome this challenge, you can practice writing under time constraints by attempting past exam papers or sample questions. Set a timer and challenge yourself to complete the tasks within the given time limit. This exercise will help you improve your speed and develop a writing style that is both efficient and neat.

3. Be realistic

Understanding your own capabilities is essential for effective time management during exams. Evaluate the level of detail and sophistication you can realistically achieve within the given time frame. Avoid setting overly ambitious goals that may result in unfinished or incomplete answers. It is better to provide concise, well-structured responses than to leave questions unanswered.

Staying in control during the exam

4. Careful reading is key: read every question thoroughly before answering

Careful reading is a fundamental step to ensure you fully comprehend each question. Take a deep breath and read through all the questions before selecting which ones to answer. Examiners sometimes use complex wording, so don't dismiss a question without giving it proper consideration. Misreading a question can lead to unnecessary mistakes and loss of marks. Take your time and make sure you understand what is being asked before you begin your response.

5. Divide your time up

Before you start answering the questions, plan how you will allocate your time. Identify the questions that carry the most marks and determine the appropriate amount of time you need to allocate for each. For instance, if you have three essays to write within a three-hour exam, allocate a specific amount of time for planning, writing, and reviewing each essay. Adhere to your time plan to ensure you cover all the questions and leave enough time for revision.

6. Start with something you can really do

Boost your confidence by starting with a question or topic that you feel comfortable with. This will allow you to dive into the exam confidently and demonstrate your knowledge. By tackling familiar content first, you set a positive tone for the rest of the exam and reduce the chances of getting stuck on a difficult question.

7. Plan long answers

Planning your responses for long-answer or essay questions is crucial for organizing your thoughts and ensuring a coherent and well-structured answer. However, remember that your plan won't be marked. Devote most of your time to writing the actual answer, showcasing your understanding and analysis of the topic. While planning is important, allocate sufficient time for writing to fully express your thoughts and ideas.

Other miscellaneous tips

8. Ask for new scripts before you need them

If you anticipate needing additional answer sheets during the exam, don't wait until you run out of space. Raise your hand and request more paper in advance. By being proactive, you save valuable time and avoid the anxiety of waiting for the invigilator to notice your need for additional sheets.

It is important to make the most of every precious moment in the exam
It is important to make the most of every precious moment in the exam

9. Utilize the entire allotted time

Resist the temptation to leave the exam hall early, even if it's your last exam or you have another one later in the day. Use the remaining time to your advantage by re-reading your answers, checking for spelling errors, and rewriting any illegible sections. Leaving early may result in regrets, as you may realize later that you missed important points or made significant mistakes. Utilize the entire allotted time to ensure your answers are accurate, comprehensive, and well-presented.


How can I manage my time effectively during exams?

Familiarize yourself with the format and requirements of the exam, practice writing quickly, and be realistic about what you can achieve within the given time frame.

How do I avoid misreading questions during exams?

Take your time and read each question thoroughly before beginning your response. Don't dismiss a question without giving it proper consideration.

What should I do if I run out of space on my answer sheet during the exam?

Raise your hand and request additional paper in advance to save valuable time and avoid anxiety.

Should I leave the exam hall early if I finish early?

It is recommended to utilize the entire allotted time to re-read your answers, check for spelling errors, and rewrite any illegible sections.

How can I boost my confidence during the exam?

Start with a question or topic that you feel comfortable with to set a positive tone for the rest of the exam and demonstrate your knowledge.


As a student, effective time management is crucial for performing well in exams. By following these expert tips, you can enhance your ability to manage your time efficiently and maximize your performance. Remember to stay calm, practice beforehand, read instructions carefully, divide your time wisely, and adapt your approach if unforeseen challenges arise. Additionally, subscribing to Aha, a learning website that utilizes AI to analyze your weak points and provide tailored assistance, can offer you additional resources and high-quality sample questions. With dedication and smart time management strategies, you can excel in your exams and achieve the results you desire.

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