An image featuring a set of classic geometric construction tools, such as a compass, straightedge, and protractor, neatly arranged on a wooden table.

CBSE 10 Geometry: Unlock the Secrets of Geometric Constructions’ Hidden Artistry (Detaild Steps)

May 7, 2024

Sometimes, you may find yourself needing to construct geometric figures like parallel lines or triangles. In practical geometry, it is important to know how to draw these shapes accurately. In this article, we will go over the steps to construct parallel lines and triangles with various criteria.

Construction of parallel lines

To construct parallel lines, follow these steps:

  1. Draw a straight line segment.
  2. Choose a point on that line and label it A.
  3. Place the compass on A and draw an arc that intersects the line segment twice, labeling the two intersection points B and C.
  4. Place the compass on B and draw an arc that intersects the previous arc at point D.
  5. Place the compass on C and draw an arc with the same radius as before, intersecting the previous arc at point E.
  6. Draw a line segment connecting D and E. This line will be parallel to the original line segment.

Construction of triangles

There are several criteria for constructing triangles, which we will go over below.

SSS construction

To construct a triangle with the SSS (side-side-side) criterion, follow these steps:

  1. Draw three line segments that correspond to the lengths of the three sides of the triangle.
  2. Connect the endpoints of each side to form the triangle.

SAS construction

To construct a triangle with the SAS (side-angle-side) criterion, follow these steps:

  1. Draw two line segments that correspond to two sides of the triangle.
  2. Draw an angle between the two sides.
  3. Draw the third side of the triangle such that it connects the endpoints of the first two sides and forms the given angle.

ASA construction

To construct a triangle with the ASA (angle-side-angle) criterion, follow these steps:

  1. Draw an angle.
  2. Draw a line segment that corresponds to one of the sides adjacent to the angle.
  3. Draw another angle adjacent to the line segment.
  4. Draw the third side of the triangle such that it connects the endpoints of the first two sides and forms the second given angle.

RHS construction

To construct a right triangle with the RHS (right-angle-hypotenuse-side) criterion, follow these steps:

  1. Draw a line segment that corresponds to the length of the hypotenuse.
  2. Draw a line segment that corresponds to one of the sides adjacent to the right angle.
  3. Draw the third side of the triangle such that it connects the endpoints of the first two sides and forms the right angle.


What is practical geometry?

Practical geometry is the branch of geometry that deals with the construction of geometric figures using only a straightedge and compass.

How can we draw a parallel line?

You can draw a parallel line by drawing an arc that intersects a given line segment twice, then drawing two more arcs with the same radius from the intersection points. Finally, draw a line segment connecting the two new intersection points.

How to draw an angle in practical geometry?

To draw an angle in practical geometry, follow these steps:

  1. Draw a straight line segment.
  2. Choose one endpoint of the segment and label it A.
  3. Place the compass on A and draw an arc that intersects the segment.
  4. Without changing the compass setting, place the compass on the point of intersection and draw another arc.
  5. Draw a line segment connecting the two points of intersection.
  6. This line segment forms the desired angle with the original line segment.

Are right angles 90 degrees?

Yes, right angles are always 90 degrees.

How to practically draw a triangle?

To practically draw a triangle, you can use one of the criteria we discussed earlier (SSS, SAS, ASA, or RHS). Follow the steps for the criterion you want to use, and you will have a constructed triangle.


Practical geometry is an essential skill for anyone working with geometric figures. By understanding how to use a compass and straightedge to construct lines and triangles, you will be better equipped to solve problems and create accurate diagrams. If you want to learn more about math and earn certifications, check out Aha AI.

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