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Boost Your Math and Science Scores by 30% with Jane's 7 Advanced Problem-Solving Secrets

May 14, 2024

In this comprehensive article, you will explore seven fundamental principles that will empower you to learn with understanding and excel in your studies. Whether you are tackling mathematics or science, these principles apply universally, helping you navigate complex subjects with confidence. Let's delve into the principles that will enhance your academic prowess!

1. Principled conceptual knowledge

To build a strong foundation for learning, it is essential to grasp the core concepts of a subject. Focus on understanding the underlying principles, theories, and ideas that form the backbone of the topic. Instead of merely memorizing facts, strive to comprehend the "why" and "how" behind the information. When you establish principled conceptual knowledge, you create a framework that connects new information to what you already know, making learning a seamless process.

Example: In mathematics, if you understand the fundamental concept of fractions as parts of a whole, you can apply this knowledge to solve various fraction-related problems with ease.

2. Prior knowledge

Building on what you already know is a powerful learning strategy. Relate new information to your existing knowledge, experiences, and observations. By connecting new concepts to familiar ones, you enhance retention and develop a deeper understanding of the subject. Embrace your prior knowledge as a steppingstone to acquire new insights.

Example: When studying a historical event, connect it to your previous knowledge of similar events or related historical figures to gain a comprehensive understanding of the broader context.

3. Metacognition

Metacognition refers to the awareness and understanding of your thought processes and learning strategies. Reflect on how you learn best and identify which study techniques suit your style. Regularly assess your progress and adjust your approach to learning accordingly. By becoming a proactive learner, you take charge of your academic journey and pave the way for continuous improvement.

Example: Before a challenging exam, review your study habits and identify areas that need improvement. If you find that summarizing the content helps you remember better, incorporate this technique into your study routine.

4. Differences among learners

Recognize that every learner is unique and has distinct strengths and weaknesses. Embrace your individuality and respect the diversity of learning styles among your peers. By understanding your learning preferences and adapting to different teaching methods, you can maximize your academic potential.

Example: Some students may excel in visual learning, while others may prefer auditory or kinesthetic approaches. Identify which style suits you best and collaborate with your peers to exchange insights and expand your understanding.

5. Motivation

Motivation is the driving force behind successful learning. Cultivate a growth mindset and view challenges as opportunities to grow. Set realistic goals and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Maintain a positive attitude towards learning, and you will discover the joy of acquiring new knowledge.

Example: Suppose you encounter a difficult physics problem. Instead of feeling discouraged, remind yourself that solving it will sharpen your problem-solving skills and boost your confidence in the subject.

6. Situated learning

Learning is most effective when it occurs in authentic and meaningful contexts. Relate your studies to real-life situations to understand the practical implications of academic concepts. Embrace experiential learning opportunities, such as experiments, field trips, or hands-on projects, to deepen your understanding.

Example: In biology, participating in a laboratory experiment allows you to observe and apply the principles of scientific inquiry, giving you a firsthand experience of how science works in practice.

7. Learning communities

Collaboration with peers fosters a supportive and stimulating learning environment. Engage in group discussions, study sessions, or academic clubs to exchange ideas and perspectives. Learning from others and teaching what you know can reinforce your understanding and promote a sense of community in your academic journey.

Example: Form a study group with classmates to discuss complex concepts or share study notes. Collaborative learning allows you to benefit from collective insights and provides a platform to clarify doubts.

Sample exercises

Exercise 1: applying principled conceptual knowledge

Topic: Geometry

1. Solve the following geometry problem and explain your approach:

In a right-angled triangle, the length of one leg is 5 cm, and the length of the hypotenuse is 13 cm. Find the length of the other leg.


Let's use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of the other leg (let's call it x):

According to the Pythagorean theorem: a2+b2=c^2, where a and b are the lengths of the two legs, and c is the length of the hypotenuse.

Substituting the given values: 52+x2=132




2. Identify real-life situations where geometry concepts, such as angles and shapes, are used, and explain how understanding these concepts helps in those scenarios.

Exercise 2: relating to prior knowledge

Topic: Algebra

1. Solve the following equation for x and explain each step of your solution:


Explanation: To solve for x, we need to isolate x on one side of the equation. First, we'll subtract 7 from both sides:



Next, divide both sides by 2 to find the value of x:



2. Connect your understanding of basic algebraic expressions to solve more complex problems, such as multi-variable equations.

Exercise 3: engaging in situated learning

Topic: Data Analysis

1. Collect data from your classmates on their favorite subjects and create a frequency table and a bar graph to represent the data. Analyze the results and draw conclusions.


Here's a sample frequency table for favorite subjects:

A table showing subjects and frequency

Based on the data table, we can see that Mathematics is the most popular subject among the classmates, followed by Science. Art and History are the least favored subjects.

2. Research real-world scenarios where data analysis plays a crucial role, such as opinion polls or market research. Discuss how data analysis helps in making informed decisions.

These practice exercises allow you to apply mathematical concepts in various contexts, reinforcing your understanding of the principles discussed in the article. By actively engaging in these exercises, you'll enhance your mathematical skills and develop a deeper appreciation for the relevance of math in everyday life. Keep practicing and exploring new challenges to excel in your math studies!


1. What is critical thinking and problem-solving skills in mathematics?

Critical thinking in mathematics refers to the ability to analyze, evaluate, and logically reason through mathematical problems and concepts. It involves actively engaging with mathematical content, asking meaningful questions, and employing problem-solving strategies to arrive at accurate solutions. Problem-solving skills in mathematics encompass the ability to approach unfamiliar or complex problems, break them down into manageable steps, apply mathematical knowledge and techniques, and evaluate the effectiveness of the solutions.

2. How would you apply critical thinking in mathematics?

Critical thinking can be applied in mathematics by:

  1. Analyzing problems: Carefully reading and understanding the problem statement, identifying relevant information, and identifying any patterns or connections.
  2. Questioning assumptions: Challenging assumptions and exploring alternative perspectives or approaches to solving a problem.
  3. Employing problem-solving strategies: Utilizing various problem-solving strategies, such as drawing diagrams, making conjectures, creating equations, or working backward, to develop a systematic plan to solve the problem.
  4. Evaluating solutions: Checking the reasonableness of solutions, verifying accuracy through calculations or logical reasoning, and considering if the solution addresses the original problem.
  5. Reflecting on the process: Analyzing the steps taken, considering alternative strategies, and reflecting on the efficiency and effectiveness of the problem-solving approach.

3. Why is critical thinking and problem-solving skills important in mathematics?

Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are crucial in mathematics for several reasons:

  1. Real-world application: Critical thinking skills enable individuals to apply mathematical concepts and problem-solving strategies to real-life situations, such as analyzing data, making informed decisions, and solving practical problems.
  2. Higher-order thinking: Critical thinking promotes higher-order thinking skills, such as analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and creativity, which are essential for advanced mathematical understanding and problem-solving.
  3. Mathematical reasoning: Critical thinking fosters the ability to reason mathematically, make connections between different mathematical concepts, and develop logical arguments or justifications for mathematical statements or solutions.
  4. Preparation for future challenges: Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills in mathematics prepares individuals to tackle complex problems, engage in higher-level mathematics, and pursue careers that require mathematical reasoning and analytical thinking.


By incorporating these seven principles into your learning journey, you will pave the way for academic excellence and a profound understanding of various subjects. Remember to focus on principled conceptual knowledge, leverage your prior knowledge, and be mindful of your learning strategies. Embrace your uniqueness and stay motivated as you engage in authentic learning experiences. Leverage the power of learning communities and situated learning to expand your horizons. Embrace metacognition to continuously improve your learning approach.

To further enhance your academic achievements and access a wealth of valuable resources, sign up for Aha. Aha is a comprehensive learning website that offers quality sample questions and utilizes AI to analyze your weak points. With Aha's guidance, you can confidently navigate the complexities of various subjects and unlock your full academic potential. Sign up today and embark on a journey towards academic success!

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