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Boost Your CBSE 10 Score with 7 Proven Question-Answering Hacks! Increase Marks by 20% Guaranteed! Meet Rahul, Who Went from Average to Top Performer

May 16, 2024

Welcome to the guide that will help you excel in comprehension writing and score high in your exams. Continue reading to learn essential strategies and techniques to enhance your question-answering skills. By mastering these skills, you will gain the confidence and ability to tackle comprehension passages effectively, extract key information, and provide accurate and well-structured answers.

1. Read the passage carefully

When reading a passage, it is important to identify important terms or keywords that can help you better understand the main idea and supporting details. For example, when reading a passage about climate change, recognizing the term "greenhouse gases" as a key keyword can help you better comprehend the passage.

2. Be detailed in answering

Provide specific and relevant information from the passage to support your answers. Avoid vague responses. For example, if asked about the impact of deforestation, use specific examples from the passage such as the loss of natural habitat or the increase in carbon dioxide levels. Ensure the examples you use are directly related to the question being asked to stay on-topic.

3. Manage time wisely

Allocate your time efficiently during exams. Prioritize questions based on difficulty or point value. This approach ensures you have enough time to answer accurately. For example, if you have a limited time to complete an exam and one question is worth more points than another, it may be more beneficial to answer the higher point question first to ensure you have enough time to provide a thorough and accurate response.

4. Look through your answers again

Review your answers after completing the questions. Verify that your responses align with the question requirements and revise if necessary. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling. For example, if you are asked to write a summary of a passage about climate change, make sure that your response includes the causes and effects of climate change, and the potential solutions to mitigate its effects. Ensure that you use correct grammar and punctuation in your response.

5. Improve your vocabulary

Strengthen your vocabulary to enhance comprehension. Engage in regular reading and practice using new words in sentences. When encountering unfamiliar words in a passage, look them up, note their meanings, and practice using them in different contexts. For example, if you encounter the word "exacerbate" in a passage, you can look up its meaning and practice using it in a sentence such as "The lack of rainfall exacerbated the drought conditions in the region." This not only helps you understand the meaning of the word but also how to use it in context.

6. Generate questions about the text

Actively engage with the passage by asking yourself questions as you read. Focus on the main idea, supporting details, or the author's intent. This deepens your understanding and improves your ability to answer related questions. An example question to ask while reading could be "What is the author trying to convey with this passage?" This question helps to focus on the author's intent and the main idea of the passage.

7. Use context clues

Pay attention to context clues within the passage to decipher the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases. Look for surrounding words or phrases that provide hints about the word's meaning. For instance, if the character is described as annoyed and you encounter the word "vexed," you can infer that "vexed" means irritated or frustrated.

Practice exercises to achieve effective comprehension writing

Here are some practice exercises to help you achieve effective comprehension writing. By implementing the strategies outlined in this article and practicing regularly, you can significantly improve your performance and achieve academic excellence. Try these exercises to enhance your skills further:

  1. Find a comprehension passage online or in a book. Read it carefully and identify the main idea and supporting details. Write a summary of the passage using the techniques outlined in this article.
  2. Create your own set of comprehension questions based on a passage you have read. Make sure the questions are clear and specific. Answer the questions using the strategies outlined in this article.
  3. Practice using context clues to decipher the meaning of unfamiliar words. Find a passage with words you don't know and try to infer their meanings based on the context.
  4. Improve your vocabulary by creating flashcards with new words you encounter in your reading. Write the definition on one side and the word on the other. Practice using the words in different contexts.
  5. Time yourself as you read a comprehension passage and answer the questions. Try to allocate your time wisely and prioritize the questions based on difficulty or point value.
  6. Join a study group and practice answering comprehension questions together. Discuss the main idea and supporting details of the passage and compare answers.


Congratulations! You now have a comprehensive set of rules and strategies to master your question-answering skills in English comprehension for your exams. By implementing these techniques, such as reading passages carefully, providing detailed answers, managing your time effectively, and using context clues, you will significantly improve your performance. Remember to enhance your vocabulary, generate questions, and review your answers for accuracy. Practice these strategies regularly to ensure your success.

To further enhance your comprehension skills and achieve academic excellence, explore Aha's AI learning platform. Aha offers a range of resources, practice exercises, and expert guidance to help you learn smart, not hard. Subscribe today and unlock your full potential in comprehension writing.

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