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Avoiding These 7 Logical Fallacies That Got Piyush into Sanskriti School in 2022

May 16, 2024

Recognizing the importance of avoiding logical fallacies, Piyush, a CBSE Class 10 student, applied the knowledge of logical fallacies to his admission application for Sanskriti School. As a result, he was able to craft well-reasoned arguments backed by credible evidence, showcasing his academic achievements and extracurricular activities. Piyush's diligence in avoiding logical fallacies and adhering to these seven tips enabled him to present a compelling case to the admissions committee, ultimately resulting in his acceptance into Sanskriti School. The following seven tips on how to avoid logical fallacies can help you, like Piyush, make stronger and more logical arguments that can improve your academic performance.

A photo of a list of logical fallacies: Ad Hominem, Appeal to Authority, False Dichotomy, Strawman, Slippery Slop
Logical fallacies: ad hominem, appeal to authority, false dichotomy, strawman, slippery slop

1. Understand the types of logical fallacies

The first step in avoiding logical fallacies is to familiarize yourself with the various types of fallacies that exist. Some of the most common types of logical fallacies include ad hominem attacks, straw man arguments, false dilemmas, and hasty generalizations. By understanding these types of fallacies, you can identify them in your own arguments and avoid them.

a photo of Logical fallacies: Circular Reasoning, False Cause, Red Herring, Hasty Generalization, Appeal to Ignorance
Logical fallacies: circular Reasoning, false cause, red herring, hasty generalization, appeal to ignorance

2. Use credible and reliable sources

Using credible and reliable sources is critical to building a logical argument. When writing CBSE Class 10 assignments or exams, make sure that your evidence comes from reliable sources, such as peer-reviewed journals, reputable news outlets, and academic textbooks. This will ensure that the evidence you use to support your arguments is accurate and trustworthy.

3. Avoid generalizations

When you talk about a whole group of people or things without considering how each one is different, it's called a generalization. This can lead to unfair and untrue ideas, called stereotypes. So when you're doing your CBSE Class 10 assignments and exams, focus on using specific examples and evidence to support your arguments, instead of making generalizations.

4. Do not assume causality based on correlation

When two things are related, it's called correlation. But just because two things seem to be connected, it doesn't mean that one thing causes the other. Causation means that one thing really does make another thing happen. In your CBSE Class 10 assignments and exams, be careful not to assume that something is causing something else just because they're related. Instead, look for more evidence to support your ideas.

5. Avoid emotional appeals

Sometimes people try to convince others to agree with them by using emotional appeals. This means they try to make you feel scared, angry, or sad so that you'll agree with them. But just because something makes you feel emotional, it doesn't mean it's true or logical. Try to avoid emotional appeals and rely on logical arguments that make sense when you're doing your CBSE Class 10 assignments and exams.

6. Be consistent in your reasoning

When you make an argument, it's important to be consistent. This means that your arguments should all agree with each other and not say different things. In CBSE Class 10 assignments and exams, make sure that your arguments are consistent and don't contradict each other. This means don't make arguments based on opposite ideas or go against what you've said before. Before turning in your assignments, double-check for any inconsistencies.

7. Essay writing and exam techniques practice

To steer clear of mistakes in logic, you can train yourself by practicing essay writing and exam techniques. These include:

  • writing essays within a time limit
  • solving multiple-choice questions that demand critical thinking.

Practice these techniques regularly will enhance your ability to spot and steer clear of logical errors and create convincing arguments.


What are logical fallacies?

Logical fallacies are errors in reasoning that can make an argument invalid or unsound. They can include things like false assumptions, circular reasoning, and ad hominem attacks.

Why are logical fallacies important to avoid?

Avoiding logical fallacies is important because it helps to ensure that your arguments are sound and credible. By avoiding logical fallacies, you can make stronger arguments that are more likely to be convincing.

What are some common types of logical fallacies?

Some common types of logical fallacies include ad hominem attacks, straw man arguments, false dilemmas, and hasty generalizations.

How can I avoid logical fallacies in my writing?

To avoid logical fallacies in your writing, you should familiarize yourself with the various types of fallacies that exist, use credible and reliable sources, avoid generalizations, not assume causality based on correlation, avoid emotional appeals, be consistent in your reasoning, and practice essay writing and exam techniques.

Why is it important to practice essay writing and exam techniques?

Practicing essay writing and exam techniques is important because it helps you to develop the skills you need to spot and avoid logical fallacies. By practicing these techniques, you can improve your ability to create convincing arguments and avoid common mistakes that can weaken your writing.


In conclusion, it's really important to avoid making mistakes in logic when taking CBSE Class 10 exams and working on assignments. You can do this by:

  1. Understanding the types of logical fallacies
  2. Using credible evidence
  3. Avoiding generalizations
  4. Not assuming causality based on correlation
  5. Avoiding emotional appeals
  6. Arguing consistently
  7. Practicing essay writing and exam techniques

After learning about the logical fallacies, do you want to level-up your learning efficiency? Try AI-optimized, personalized practice exams, sign up for Aha and start your free trial today!

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