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Current Affairs

7 Incredible Facts About India-US Bilateral Relations: Unveiling the Political Dynamics

August 25, 2023

In the world of international politics, the bilateral relationship between India and the United States holds significant importance. It is essential for students studying global affairs to have a deeper understanding of the nuances and surprises that exist within this critical partnership. Explore 7 amazing facts about the India-US bilateral relations, shedding light on the political dynamics, economic ties, and future prospects. Continue reading to delve into the intricate web of India-US relations and uncover the hidden truths.

1. A balanced exchange in the India-US trade relationship

India and the US have witnessed significant growth in bilateral trade over the years. Trade in goods and services between the two countries has been quite balanced, with India running a surplus of around $7 billion. India's surplus in trade with the US means that India is exporting more goods and services to the US than it is importing. This can be good for India because it can create more income and employment opportunities, and thus strengthen the country's economy. Overall, the services trade between the two economies has been growing rapidly.

2. The role of skilled Indian immigrants in US migration

Indian citizens are the largest group of skilled migrants in the US. They can come to work using H-1B visas which have increased over the years. These visas are temporary work visas that allow US employers to hire highly skilled foreign workers in specialty occupations. The number of H-1B visas given every year is limited, and Indians consistently receive the largest share. The H-1B visa program is essential in facilitating skilled Indian workers to come to the US, especially in the information technology industry. Many of these workers have made significant contributions to the US economy, driving innovation and growth in the technology sector.

3. Travel and tourism in India-US relations

Tourism plays a vital role in fostering rising linkages between the US and India. American tourist spending in India contributes to a significant portion of US service imports, while Indian tourist spending in the US has also seen substantial growth. These numbers highlight the balanced and mutually beneficial nature of the economic relationship between the two countries.

4. The role of Indian-Americans in the US society

Indian-Americans are the second-largest Asian-American community in the US and have a significant impact on American politics. They have a strong presence in academia, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, and have made significant contributions to the US economy and society. Indian-Americans have also been elected to high-ranking political positions in the US, including governors, members of Congress, and Vice President Kamala Harris. Their contributions and achievements in various fields have made them an integral part of American society.

5. Finding common ground with foreign policy

Navigating India-US relations requires a delicate balance of opportunities and constraints. While both countries share common interests, India's foreign policy prioritizes maintaining friendly relationships with a variety of countries, regardless of whether they are US allies or not, based on national interests. This can sometimes create a challenge for India to align with US interests. For example, the US has closer ties with certain countries in the Middle East, which may not align with India's foreign policy objectives. As such, dialogue and diplomacy are crucial to finding common ground and addressing these challenges.

6. Economic intermingling

Increasing economic engagement between India and the US is important for building a stronger relationship. This includes investing in each other's economies and increasing trade, which can create interdependencies and lead to growth. For example, the US-India Strategic Clean Energy Partnership (SCEP) is an initiative that promotes collaboration in sustainable development between the two nations.

7. Strengthening defense cooperation

Defense cooperation between India and the US has witnessed significant progress. India and the US have a shared interest in bridging the military capabilities gap with China, which has been expanding its military influence in the region. Strengthening defense cooperation between India and the US not only contributes to the security and stability of the Asian region, but also helps to counter China's growing military power. By working together to enhance their military capabilities and engage in joint military exercises, India and the US can strengthen their strategic partnership and address the challenges posed by China's military expansion.


1. What does a trade surplus mean for India in its relationship with the US?

  • A trade surplus, such as India's with the US, means that India exports more goods and services to the US than it imports. This can benefit India by generating income, creating employment opportunities, and bolstering the economy.

2. How do H-1B visas impact the US economy?

  • H-1B visas allow highly skilled foreign workers, a significant portion of whom are Indian, to work in the US, especially in the IT industry. These skilled workers drive innovation and growth in sectors like technology, contributing positively to the US economy.

3. What role does tourism play in India-US economic relations?

  • Tourism fosters economic linkages between India and the US. American tourists contribute to India's service imports, while Indian tourists have also shown increased spending in the US. This mutual exchange showcases a balanced economic relationship.

4. Why are Indian-Americans significant in the US?

  • Indian-Americans, being the second-largest Asian-American community, have a profound influence in various sectors like academia, STEM fields, and politics. They contribute to the economy and have achieved prominent political positions, integrating deeply into American society.


In conclusion, the India-US bilateral relations are made up of both challenges, and opportunities. Understanding this relationship is vital for students studying global affairs and learning how to critically think. To further enhance your knowledge and excel academically, we encourage you to subscribe to Aha's AI learning platform. Aha offers a comprehensive range of resources and valuable insights to help you learn smart, not hard. Expand your knowledge and gain a competitive edge in today's globalized world. Take action now and embark on a journey towards academic excellence!

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