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10 Proven Tips for Excelling in Competitive Exams in India with a 20% Score Increase

May 18, 2024

Competitive exams in India serve as a gateway to prestigious educational institutions and coveted job positions. With millions vying for a limited number of seats or positions, the stakes are incredibly high. Standing out requires more than just knowledge; it demands the right strategy and mindset.

In this guide, discover 10 essential tips tailored for acing competitive exams in India. These tips, curated from experts and successful candidates, aim to provide you with a comprehensive approach to ensure you're well-prepared and confident on the exam day.

1. Commence preparation early

Embarking on your preparation journey well ahead of time is akin to laying the foundation for a sturdy building. It's the groundwork upon which your entire study structure will stand. The benefits of starting early are manifold, and understanding these can be the motivation you need to kickstart your studies. Let's delve deeper into the nuances of early preparation:

Understanding over memorization

  • Depth over breadth: starting early allows you to delve deep into topics rather than skimming the surface. This depth ensures a robust understanding, which is far more valuable than rote memorization.
  • Complex concepts: some topics, especially in competitive exams, can be intricate. Early preparation gives you the luxury of time to grapple with these complexities, breaking them down into digestible chunks.

Clarifying doubts

  • Seeking help: when you start early, you have the time to seek help for topics you find challenging. Whether it's from teachers, peers, or online forums, you're not in a rush, ensuring that your doubts are thoroughly addressed.
  • Building strong foundations: addressing and clarifying doubts as you go ensures that you're building on a solid foundation. This clarity reduces the chances of confusion in later stages of preparation.

Revision is key

  • Reinforcement: the human brain tends to forget information over time. Early preparation means you have ample time for multiple revisions, reinforcing your memory.
  • Varied revision techniques: with time on your side, you can experiment with different revision methods, from summaries to teaching someone else, to find what works best for you.

Boosting confidence

  • Mental preparedness: knowing that you've started early and are systematically covering the syllabus can significantly boost your confidence. This mental edge can be a crucial factor in your overall performance.
  • Setting the tone: a positive start, devoid of last-minute cramming and panic, sets a constructive tone for your entire preparation journey. It ensures that you approach your studies with a calm and focused mindset, which can be invaluable.

2. Establish a study routine

Crafting a structured study routine is akin to plotting a course on a map. It provides direction, ensures you cover all essential areas, and keeps you aligned with your academic goals. Delving deeper into the intricacies of establishing a robust study routine:

Set clear goals

  • Purpose: before you begin, understand why you're studying. Is it to pass an exam, master a subject, or just for the love of learning? This clarity will drive your motivation.
  • Weekly targets: break down your ultimate goal into smaller, achievable targets.
🚀 Example
If you're preparing for an exam, determine which topics you aim to cover each week. This could be understanding a challenging concept, completing a chapter, or solving a specific number of practice questions.
  • Track progress: at the end of each week, review your accomplishments. Celebrate your successes and analyze areas where you fell short.

Allocate time wisely

  • Prioritize: not all subjects or topics demand equal time. Some might be more challenging, while others you might already be familiar with. Allocate your study hours based on the importance and complexity of each subject.
  • Breaks are essential: remember, the human brain can only focus effectively for a certain period. Schedule short breaks during your study sessions to refresh and recharge.
  • Avoid multitasking: while it might be tempting to juggle between different subjects or topics simultaneously, it's more effective to focus on one thing at a time.

Incorporate revision slots

  • Reinforce memory: the human memory tends to forget over time. Regular revision ensures that information stays fresh in your mind.
  • Different revision techniques: mix up your revision methods. One day, you could summarize what you've learned, another day you could teach the concept to someone else, and on another, you could test yourself.
  • Use mnemonics and memory aids: these tools can be particularly helpful during revisions, making it easier to recall vast amounts of information.

Stay adaptable

  • Flexibility is key: while it's essential to have a plan, be prepared to modify it based on your progress and understanding.
  • Feedback loop: periodically assess the effectiveness of your study routine. If you find that a particular method isn't working or a specific time isn't suitable, don't hesitate to make changes.
  • Stay updated: the world of education is always evolving. New study techniques, tools, or resources might emerge. Be open to incorporating them if they align with your goals.

3. Diversify study materials

Diversifying your study materials is akin to equipping yourself with a toolkit, where each tool serves a unique purpose, ensuring you're well-prepared for any challenge. Let's delve deeper into the significance of each type of material and how to maximize their benefits:

Reference books

  • Depth of content: while your primary textbook lays the groundwork, reference books dive deeper, offering a more comprehensive understanding of topics. They often provide additional examples, varied explanations, and a broader context.
  • Multiple perspectives: different authors have unique ways of explaining concepts. By consulting various reference books, you expose yourself to these diverse viewpoints, enhancing your grasp on the subject.
  • Problem-solving: many reference books come with a plethora of practice problems, ranging from basic to advanced levels. Working through these can solidify your understanding and improve problem-solving skills.

Online platforms

  • Interactive learning: digital platforms, especially ones like Aha, have revolutionized the way you approach learning. They often incorporate interactive elements like quizzes, animations, and simulations. These elements cater to different learning styles, making complex topics more accessible and engaging. This dynamic approach to learning not only enhances comprehension but also keeps the learner motivated and invested in their educational journey.
  • On-demand access: one of the significant advantages of online resources is their availability. Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, you can access these platforms at your convenience.
  • Community support: many online platforms have forums or discussion boards where learners from around the world share doubts, resources, and insights. Engaging in these communities can provide valuable support and broaden your understanding.

Sample papers

  • Familiarity with the format: sample papers mirror the structure of the actual exam. Regularly practicing with them helps you become familiar with the question format, marking scheme, and time constraints.
  • Self-assessment: after attempting a sample paper, review your answers. This exercise helps identify your strong areas and pinpoints topics that might need further revision.
  • Time management: one of the challenges many face during exams is time management. By simulating exam conditions when attempting sample papers, you can practice pacing yourself, ensuring you allocate adequate time to each section.

4. Practice diligently

The bridge between learning and mastery is consistent practice. By immersing yourself in regular practice sessions, you not only reinforce your understanding but also hone the skills required to excel in the exam environment. Here's how to make the most of your practice sessions:

Set daily targets

  • Structured approach: having a clear goal for each day provides direction to your study sessions. Instead of aimlessly solving questions, you'll have a purpose, ensuring that each session is productive.
  • Progress tracking: by setting and achieving daily targets, you can monitor your progress over time. This not only boosts your confidence but also gives you a clear picture of how you're advancing in your preparation.
  • Balanced coverage: ensure that your daily targets encompass different topics or subjects. This way, you maintain a balanced approach, giving equal attention to all areas of the syllabus.

Time yourself

  • Simulate exam conditions: by timing yourself, you replicate the conditions of the actual exam. This helps in acclimatizing to the pressure of the ticking clock, ensuring you remain composed during the real test.
  • Enhance efficiency: as you consistently time your practice sessions, you'll notice an improvement in your speed. Over time, you'll be able to solve questions faster, leaving ample time for review during the exam.
  • Strategize: timing yourself also allows you to strategize. You can identify which sections or question types consume more time and devise strategies to tackle them more efficiently.

Review answers

  • Feedback loop: reviewing your answers provides immediate feedback. You become aware of your strengths and areas that need improvement.
  • Conceptual clarity: when you come across mistakes, delve deeper to understand the underlying concept. This ensures that you don't just rectify the error but also strengthen your conceptual foundation.
  • Pattern recognition: over time, by consistently reviewing your answers, you might recognize patterns in your mistakes. Maybe there's a particular type of question that trips you up or a common error you tend to make. Recognizing these patterns allows you to address them specifically, ensuring they don't recur in the future.

5. Take mock exams

Mock exams are more than just practice tests; they are a rehearsal for the main event. By immersing yourself in these simulated tests, you not only gauge your preparedness but also acclimatize to the nuances of the exam environment. Let's delve deeper into the significance of each aspect of taking mock exams:

Simulate exam conditions

  • Replicating the environment: it's essential to mimic the actual exam setting as closely as possible. This means choosing a quiet space, free from distractions, where you can fully concentrate. By doing so, you train your mind to focus, even under potentially stressful conditions.
  • Time management: adhering to the time constraints of the real exam is crucial. Timing your mock exams helps you get a feel for the pacing required. You'll learn how much time you can afford to spend on each question or section, ensuring you don't leave any part unanswered.
  • Mental endurance: just like a marathon runner trains for the race day, taking full-length mock exams prepares you for the mental stamina required on the actual exam day. Over time, you'll find yourself better equipped to maintain concentration and performance throughout the test duration.

Analyze results

  • Performance snapshot: once you've completed the mock exam, it's essential to review your performance. This gives you a clear snapshot of where you stand, highlighting both your strong points and areas that need more attention.
  • Error breakdown: go beyond just looking at the score. Dive deep into each mistake. Was it a conceptual error? A careless mistake? Or perhaps a misinterpretation of the question? Understanding the nature of your errors can guide your subsequent preparation.
  • Progress tracking: taking regular mock exams allows you to track your progress over time. You can see how your scores evolve, giving you both motivation from improvements and insights into persistent challenges.

Adjust study plan

  • Personalized focus: your study plan should be dynamic, adjusting based on feedback from your mock exams. If a particular topic consistently poses challenges in mock tests, it's a signal to allocate more time and resources to it.
  • Efficiency: instead of spending equal time on all topics, a feedback-driven study plan ensures you invest time where it's needed most. This ensures a more efficient and targeted approach to your preparation.
  • Confidence building: as you adjust your study plan and work on identified weak areas, you'll notice improvements in subsequent mock exams. This iterative process not only enhances your knowledge but also builds confidence, ensuring you approach the actual exam with a positive mindset.
A woman smiling towards the camera
Managing stress effectively is not about eliminating it entirely, but rather learning how to dance with it, finding balance, and using it as a tool for growth and resilience

6. Manage stress effectively

Navigating the pressures of exam preparation requires a holistic approach that addresses both the mind and body. Stress, if left unchecked, can hinder your ability to retain and recall information, impacting your overall performance. By adopting effective stress management techniques, you not only enhance your study efficiency but also ensure you're in the best mental state come exam day. Let's delve deeper into the significance of each stress management strategy:

Physical activity

  • Endorphin release: engaging in physical activities, even if it's just a brisk walk, releases endorphins. These are natural mood lifters that can alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety.
  • Break from monotony: continuous studying can become monotonous and mentally taxing. Taking short breaks to stretch or engage in light exercises can provide a much-needed respite, refreshing your mind for the next study session.
  • Improved sleep: regular physical activity can also enhance the quality of your sleep, ensuring you wake up rejuvenated and ready to tackle your studies with renewed vigor.

Mindfulness techniques

  • Centering the mind: techniques like meditation or deep breathing exercises are not just about relaxation. They train your mind to focus on the present moment, pushing away distractions and anxiety-inducing thoughts about the future.
  • Emotional regulation: mindfulness practices can help you become more attuned to your emotions. Recognizing when you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed is the first step in addressing and managing those feelings.
  • Enhanced concentration: over time, regular mindfulness practices can improve your concentration and attention span, making your study sessions more productive.

Stay hydrated and nourished

  • Brain fuel: the brain, like any other organ, requires proper nutrition to function optimally. Consuming a balanced diet ensures you're providing your brain with the necessary nutrients to process and retain information.
  • Energy levels: staying hydrated and eating regular meals can prevent energy slumps that can hinder your study efficiency. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins are particularly beneficial for cognitive function.
  • Mood regulation: certain foods can influence neurotransmitter functions, which in turn can impact your mood. For instance, foods rich in tryptophan can boost serotonin levels, promoting feelings of well-being and happiness.

7. Maintain organizational discipline

Organization is more than just a study habit; it's a mindset. When you're organized, you're not just streamlining your study process but also setting yourself up for success by minimizing potential distractions and stressors. A well-organized study environment can significantly boost your efficiency and confidence, ensuring that you're always prepared, whether it's for a regular study session or the day of the exam. Let's delve deeper into the importance of each organizational aspect:

Dedicated study space

  • Mental association: having a specific spot where you always study can create a mental association that signals your brain it's time to focus when you're in that space.
  • Minimized distractions: a dedicated study area, free from unnecessary distractions like TV or household noises, ensures that your attention remains solely on your studies.
  • Personalization: personalizing your study space with comfortable seating, adequate lighting, and motivational quotes or posters can make the environment more conducive to learning and can enhance your study experience.

Resource management

  • Time-saving: when your materials are organized by subjects or topics, you spend less time searching for what you need and more time actually studying.
  • Enhanced focus: knowing exactly where each resource is eliminates the mental clutter of trying to remember where you placed a particular book or set of notes. This clarity allows you to focus entirely on the content.
  • Systematic approach: categorizing materials can also help you approach your studies more systematically, ensuring that you cover all necessary topics and don't inadvertently skip any important sections.

Pre-exam checklist

  • Peace of mind: there's nothing more stressful than realizing you've forgotten an essential item on the day of the exam. By preparing a checklist and ensuring you have everything ready a day in advance, you grant yourself peace of mind.
  • Efficiency: having all necessary items, from pens to ID cards, organized and ready to go ensures that the morning of the exam is smooth and free from unnecessary panic or rush.
  • Mental preparation: this act of preparation isn't just about the physical items. By getting everything ready in advance, you're also mentally preparing yourself, setting a positive and confident tone for the exam day.

8. Seek support

The journey of preparation for any exam, especially competitive ones, can sometimes feel isolating. However, remember that you're not alone in this endeavor. Seeking support not only provides you with different perspectives but also offers emotional and mental encouragement. By leveraging the collective knowledge and experiences of others, you can enhance your own understanding and preparation. Let's delve deeper into the various ways you can seek support and the benefits of each:

Engage in group studies

  • Peer teaching: the act of explaining a concept to someone else can solidify your own understanding. It forces you to break down complex ideas into simpler terms, which can be incredibly beneficial for retention.
  • Diverse approaches: every individual has their unique way of understanding and approaching a topic. Group studies expose you to these varied methods, potentially offering you a new perspective or a more straightforward explanation than what you had.
  • Immediate feedback: if you're stuck or have misunderstood a concept, your peers can immediately correct you, ensuring that your preparation remains on the right track.


  • Experience-based guidance: seniors or teachers have been through the same journey you're on. Their experiences can offer you invaluable insights, from study techniques that worked for them to resources they found beneficial.
  • Emotional support: beyond academic guidance, mentors can also provide emotional support, helping you navigate the stress and pressures of exam preparation.
  • Networking: building a relationship with a mentor can also open doors to networking opportunities, which can be beneficial in the future, especially in professional or higher education scenarios.

Stay connected

  • Shared resources: regular interactions with fellow aspirants can lead to the sharing of resources, be it notes, reference book suggestions, or online platforms that others have found useful.
  • Motivational boost: knowing that others are going through the same challenges can be a significant morale boost. Sharing successes and setbacks can offer motivation, reminding you that every aspirant faces highs and lows.
  • Staying updated: interacting with peers can also keep you updated on any recent changes or updates related to the exam, ensuring that you're always in the loop.

9. Cultivate positivity

The power of a positive mindset cannot be overstated, especially when you're gearing up for challenges like competitive exams. A positive attitude not only enhances your mental well-being but also significantly impacts your study efficiency and exam performance. Let's delve deeper into the importance of cultivating positivity and the strategies to achieve it:

Visualize success

  • Power of imagination: the human brain often can't distinguish between what's real and what's vividly imagined. By visualizing your success, you're training your brain to recognize and work towards that success.
  • Overcoming obstacles: when you encounter challenging topics or feel overwhelmed, recalling this visualization can provide the motivation to push through.
  • Emotional anchoring: this technique involves associating positive emotions with your visualization. So, every time you think of your success, you're filled with joy, pride, and motivation.

Stay away from negativity

  • Protecting your mental space: just as you'd avoid junk food before a physical race, it's essential to keep your mind free from negative influences before a mental marathon like an exam.
  • Curate your environment: surround yourself with positive influences, be it motivational quotes, uplifting music, or optimistic individuals.
  • Limit exposure: while it's not always possible to avoid negativity entirely, be conscious of limiting your exposure. This could mean taking breaks from social media or avoiding pessimistic discussions about the exam.


  • Daily reminders: start your day by reminding yourself of your strengths, capabilities, and past achievements. This daily ritual can set a positive tone for the entire day.
  • Customized affirmations: create affirmations that resonate with you. They should be in the present tense and evoke positive emotions.
🚀 Example
"I am capable of understanding and mastering any topic."
  • Repetition is key: the power of affirmations lies in repetition. The more you repeat them, the more they're ingrained in your subconscious, eventually influencing your beliefs and actions.

10. Learn from mistakes

Mistakes, often perceived negatively, can be transformative if approached with the right mindset. They offer invaluable insights, helping you refine your strategies and better prepare for future challenges. Embracing mistakes and learning from them can be the difference between repetitive failures and progressive success. Let's delve deeper into the strategies to turn mistakes into valuable learning experiences:

Constructive analysis

  • Shift in perspective: instead of viewing mistakes as failures, see them as feedback. This shift in mindset allows you to approach errors constructively, focusing on improvement rather than dwelling in disappointment.
  • Root cause identification: understanding the underlying reason for a mistake is crucial. Was it a conceptual error, a careless oversight, or perhaps a time management issue? Pinpointing the cause helps in devising strategies to prevent similar mistakes in the future.
  • Actionable steps: once you've identified the root cause, outline specific steps to address it. This could involve revisiting certain topics, practicing more, or seeking clarification on confusing concepts.

Document mistakes

  • Mistake journal: maintaining a dedicated journal for mistakes can be a game-changer. By documenting errors, patterns may emerge, highlighting areas that consistently pose challenges.
  • Review regularly: periodically go through this journal, especially before exams or practice sessions. This acts as a reminder, ensuring you're vigilant about not repeating the same mistakes.
  • Progress tracker: alongside mistakes, document the steps you've taken to address them. Over time, this journal can serve as a testament to your growth and learning journey.

Stay resilient

  • Growth mindset: cultivate a mindset that views challenges and mistakes as opportunities for growth. This perspective fosters resilience, ensuring setbacks don't deter your determination.
  • Celebrate small victories: while it's essential to acknowledge mistakes, it's equally important to celebrate small successes. Did you finally understand a challenging concept? Or perhaps you improved your score in a practice test? Celebrate these moments; they fuel motivation.
  • Seek inspiration: everyone, from top scholars to successful professionals, has made mistakes in their journey. Read about their experiences, understand how they overcame challenges, and draw inspiration from their resilience.


1. How can I prepare for a competitive exam in India?

Preparing for competitive exams in India requires a well-structured and disciplined approach. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  • Understand the exam: begin by thoroughly understanding the format, syllabus, and marking scheme of the exam you're targeting. This knowledge will guide your preparation.
  • Create a study plan: develop a study schedule that covers all the topics in the syllabus. Allocate more time to challenging subjects and create a realistic timeline.
  • Gather study materials: collect the necessary textbooks, reference books, online resources, and study materials. Ensure you have access to previous years' question papers and mock tests.
  • Set clear goals: define your goals and objectives for the exam. Determine what score or rank you want to achieve, and break it down into smaller, manageable targets.
  • Effective time management: make a daily or weekly study timetable and stick to it. Prioritize your study time and incorporate regular breaks to maintain focus.
  • Practice regularly: solving sample papers and taking mock tests is crucial for exam preparation. It helps you become familiar with the exam pattern and improves your time management skills.
  • Seek guidance: if you're facing difficulties with specific topics, don't hesitate to seek help from teachers, mentors, or online resources. Joining a coaching institute can also be beneficial.
  • Healthy lifestyle: maintain a healthy lifestyle by getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and engaging in regular physical activity. A healthy body supports a healthy mind.
  • Revision: allocate time for revision. Regularly revisit what you've learned to reinforce your memory.
  • Stay positive: keep a positive mindset throughout your preparation. Stay motivated, and don't be discouraged by setbacks. Believe in your abilities.
  • Stay informed: stay updated about any changes in the exam pattern or syllabus. Keep an eye on official websites and news related to the exam.

2. What are the tips for competitive exams?

Here are some valuable tips for success in competitive exams:

  • Time management: efficiently manage your time during the exam. Allocate specific time limits for each section or question and stick to them.
  • Practice regularly: regular practice, including solving previous years' papers and mock tests, is crucial to understanding the exam pattern and improving your problem-solving skills.
  • Effective study materials: choose the right study materials, including textbooks, online resources, and reference books, to cover the entire syllabus comprehensively.
  • Healthy lifestyle: maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep to ensure optimum physical and mental health.
  • Stay calm: on exam day, stay calm and composed. Don't panic if you encounter challenging questions. Start with the easier ones and return to the tougher ones later.
  • Read instructions carefully: begin the exam by reading all instructions carefully. Understand the marking scheme, negative marking (if any), and the order of sections.
  • Time allocation: divide your time wisely among different sections or subjects based on your strengths and weaknesses. Ensure you have enough time for revision.
  • Avoid overthinking: if you're unsure about an answer, don't spend too much time on it. Make an educated guess and move on.
  • Stay positive: maintain a positive attitude throughout the exam. Believe in your preparation and your ability to perform well.
  • Revision: if time allows, review your answers before submitting the paper. Correct any errors or provide additional details if needed.

3. Which exam is the easiest in India?

The perception of the "easiest" exam in India can vary widely from person to person, as it depends on individual strengths and preferences. Additionally, what might be considered easy for one person could be challenging for another. India offers a diverse range of competitive exams, each with its own level of difficulty. Some exams that are often considered relatively easier by certain candidates include:

  • State-level government exams: these exams are conducted by various state governments and may include exams for positions like clerks, constables, and lower-level administrative jobs. They are generally considered less competitive than national-level exams.
  • Bank clerical exams: exams for bank clerical positions, such as the IBPS Clerk exam, are considered moderately competitive, and the syllabus is manageable for many candidates.
  • Teacher eligibility tests (TET): TET exams for teaching positions at the primary and secondary levels are designed to assess basic teaching aptitude and subject knowledge. They are generally considered less challenging than some other competitive exams.

However, it's important to note that the perceived difficulty of an exam can vary based on factors such as individual preparation, familiarity with the subject matter, and exam-taking skills. It's recommended to choose an exam that aligns with your career goals and interests rather than solely focusing on its level of difficulty. Additionally, what may be easy for one candidate can be challenging for another, so personal assessment and preparation are key factors in determining success in any competitive exam.

students mastering competitive exams
To master competitive exams, remember that success isn't solely about your knowledge; it's about the fusion of your determination, preparation, and your unwavering belief in your potential to excel


Acing competitive exams in India is no small feat. It's a testament to one's hard work, determination, and the ability to adapt and overcome challenges. While the journey to success can be rigorous and demanding, it's the strategies you employ and the mindset you cultivate that can make all the difference. These 10 proven tips serve as a beacon, guiding you through the maze of preparation and ensuring you stay on the right path. As you navigate this journey, it's essential to remember that every hurdle, every challenge, is an opportunity for growth. Celebrate your small victories, learn from your setbacks, and always keep your end goal in sight. For those looking to further enhance their preparation and stay updated with the latest trends and techniques, subscribing to Aha is a step in the right direction. Dive into a world of insights, expert advice, and a community that supports and uplifts each other towards achieving their dreams.

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